Grief’s Lament: Thief in the Interior by Phillip B. Williams
To write poetry is often to practice mythopoesis; to create the myths through which we can overcome adversity and within which we can...

Feast of Tongues: Cannibal by Safiya Sinclair
Cannibal opens with the words, “Have I forgotten it— / wild conch-shell dialect, / black apostrophe curled / tight on my tongue?” and the...

Claiming the Female Body: Lessons on Expulsion by Erika L. Sánchez
Erika L. Sánchez’s courageous debut collection Lessons on Expulsion begins with a rite of passage, a poem titled “Quincerañera,” which is...

The Glass Knife: A Review of Cynthia Cruz’s How the End Begins
Like Cynthia Cruz, I too am in love with all things broken. Obsessed with endings before beginnings have even begun. When my mother came...

On the Threshold of Music: Ocean Vuong's Night Sky With Exit Wounds
Music prevails throughout Ocean Vuong’s 2016 debut poetry collection Night Sky With Exit Wounds published by Copper Canyon Press. The...