Fork & Page: A Year in Review
Last week Fork & Page turned one years old! It was illuminating to look back at all the reviews I had written over the past year for Fork...

Through the Looking Glass and Beyond: Fast by Jorie Graham
Jorie Graham is a master orchestrator of thought; her poems have always treated thought as a kind of entity. Graham has studied this...

American Toxicity: Wade in the Water by Tracy K. Smith
How does one wade in the water, when the water is toxic? The current United States Poet Laureate, Tracy K. Smith, approaches this...

A Remarkable Persona: Barbie Chang by Victoria Chang
Seamless, is the word that lodged in my mind as I read Victoria Chang’s melodic poetry collection Barbie Chang. Not only do the poems...

Brazen Hope: Ramshackle Ode by Keith Leonard
“Never mind / the last exhale. Think / about the first. And the second.” These lines which grace the ending of Ramshakle Ode distill the...

Unframed: Still Life with Two Dead Peacocks and a Girl by Diane Seuss
Within stillness there is movement, just as within silence there is noise. These opposing forces have the power to reveal one another, to...

Survivors’ Lyrics: Registers of Illuminated Villages by Tarfia Faizullah
One definition of register is “the range of a human voice or a musical instrument,” and in Registers of Illuminated Villages, Tarfia...

Desire as Desire: Meet Me Here at Dawn by Sophie Klahr
Desire and longing are the undercurrents of nearly all great literature, and yet rarely are these emotions given flesh as sinuous and...

Diagram of a Tongue: Silent Anatomies by Monica Ong
Silent Anatomies by Monica Ong is unlike any book of poetry I have ever encountered. It’s no wonder Joy Harjo selected it as the winner...

Imaginary Worlds: Our Lands Are Not So Different by Michael Bazzett
Michael Bazzett’s second collection, Our Lands Are Not So Different, defies classification, it exists in its own world; a world seen once...